
Multiplex vs Single Screen theatres in India

Being a 90’s kid is special in itself. We have seen all the advancements in every sector may that be tech, lifestyle, entertainment, and whatnot. One such change, which is quite evident, is the transformation of Single-Screen Theatres into the multiscreen – “Multiplexes.” So, let’s compare Multiplex vs Single Screen Theatre in India.

Experience of the Single Screen Theatre

Multiplex Vs Single Screen Theatre

As a child, I was always fascinated by the big screen, loud music, and lots of people watching movies together in the same place. Classification of the seats was much desi

  • Rear
  • Balcony
  • DC
  • Executive

The Rear was the cheapest among all, and the price i remember was only Rs. 10 for the Rear. And the executive cost around Rs. 50.

There used to be a rush on the ticket window to get the tickets if the movie was a hit. Getting a card was a tough job, and I have seen people getting beat up by the belts. I remember my friends buying the tickets from the so-called – “Blacker.” Blacker where those people who sold the movie ticket in black at a much higher price.

       After all this hustle and bustle, it was just a delightful treat to watch the movie with all the friends. There were whistles, clapping, loud laughter, etc. which made the experience of watching the movie special. The entry of the hero, villain getting beat up, songs, etc. every scene was enjoyed with immense enthusiasm.

The snacks sold in the mid intervals were way too cheap. It was a fantastic experience to watch movies on the single screen theatre. 

Experience of watching the movie in a Multiplex-

Multiplex Vs Single Screen Theatre

    Time has changed, and so did the theatres. From the past decade, the culture of Single Screen theatre shifted to multiscreen Multiplex movie theatres. Now, many movies run under a single roof, and theatres are no longer just a movie hall.

Amenities and ambiance have been uplifted drastically. And prices too are way higher than the single screen theatres. The last movie I watched cost me Rs. 400 for a single seat. And please don’t ask me about the popcorn and the Pepsi ( way too high). 

          My god, people were sitting silent even when the hero was beating the hell out of the villain. I know how hard it was to stop myself from clapping and whistling. All the reactions of the audience seemed fabricated and sophisticated. Intense scenes are received by just eyebrow tightening and comedy scenes with just a smile. Movies of Bhai – “Salman Khan” are exceptions, though.

Multiplex vs Single Screen Theatres

Difference Between Multiplex and Single Screen Theatres

S.No.        Single Screen Theatre           Multiplexes
1.  Tickets are way cheaper.  Tickets are too costly.
2.  The crowd is enthusiastic and lively.  Sophisticated Crowd.
3.  Option of only one movie.  The audience has many options.
4.  The ambiance is somewhat not family-friendly.  Complete family and couple friendly.
5.  Basic amenities are missing or not upto the mark.  Top-notch basic amenities and toiletries.
6.  Tickets are not readily available.  Tickets are readily available due to multiple screens.

Multiplex vs Single Screen Theatre


Multiplex Vs Single Screen Theatre

If i give my honest opinion, Single theatre is “The Place” to watch movies. The crowd is lively and enthusiastic. Every scene is enjoyed and rejoiced. But at the same time, they were not family or couple friendly.

And people hesitated to take their family to the single theatres because of hooting and bad elements. Even the toiletries and other basic amenities were not upto the mark. It is the reason that the emergence of Multiplex is widely welcomed by society. But as a fan I miss the single theatres, do you !!

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Hello guys! my name is Abhi, a blogger by profession, tech enthusiast by heart and an entertainment freak. I have experience in blogging for over 5 years and it has been a tremendous journey. Blogging has helped me find my inner self.

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