3 UFO videos released by the Pentagon
3 UFO videos released by the Pentagon : As if the year was not cringing enough, The Pentagon published not one but three classified videos of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), which they are naming- “Unexplained Aerial Phenomena. ” These 3 UFO videos released by The Pentagon has sparked the questions again whether we are alone in this Universe and life possibility other than Earth.
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Details of the 3 UFO videos released by The Pentagon

The UFO Videos released by the Pentagon were reported from the U.S. Navy.
The first video is from November 2004, while the other two are from January 2015.
These videos are not new and had already been leaked unofficially in 2017 and 2019. But it only served as a sensational video due to the lack of any official authenticity. The Pentagon wanted to clear up any confusion on the authenticity of the videos, thus stating it to be genuine.
The video leak was not taken quickly by the U.S. Navy Department, and they didn’t want it to be made public.
A thorough analysis of the video has been conducted. The officials nodded that these videos don’t compromise on any front of security and nor have any issues related to sensitive information.
What can be seen in the UFO video released by the Pentagon
Video Source- The Pentagon”
David Fravor, the pilot who recorded the first video, said that the Unexplained Aerial Phenomena entirely took him by surprise. He never saw anything like that in his entire flight tenure.
In the other video, the pilot is seen excited and surprised to see an object changing its path and rotation. He continued tracking that Ariel object, and it kept on moving and rotating ( shown in the video ).
Know what is The Pentagon (U.S.), who released the UFO Videos
You might be confused on why the internet is buzzing so high on this released video and why the Pentagon is given such footage. So, let’s know what is The Pentagon and why it is headlining the news all over the world.
The Pentagon is the base headquarters of U.S. Defense and monitors state emergencies like war. Its importance can be assessed by the fact that it incorporates all the three military services – Air Force, Navy, and Army.
Why the internet is buzzing high on the release of videos from Pentagon
Although the videos are not clear and grainy, the official nod and approval of the videos will have such buzz.
The videos of UFO’s ( Unidentified Flying objects ) have been seen in many parts of the world, but they have never been confirmed or released officially.
This will undoubtedly spark a new debate on life in other parts of the Universe.
What experts have to say
Harry Reid, a former Senate Democratic leader, exclaimed it as “scratch on the surface of research and materials already available” on his twitter post.
I’m glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available. The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications. The American people deserve to be informed. https://t.co/1XNduvmP0u
— Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) April 27, 2020
Few conspiracy theories on the 3 UFO videos released by the Pentagon
Although the UFO videos released by the Pentagon are termed as “Unexplained Aerial Phenomena,” the unexpected official confirmation of the videos has sprouted some conspiracy theories.
- We are not alone in the Universe.
- Humans may have been in contact with extraterrestrial life.
- America wants to divert the attention of the world and its people from the current Coronavirus Pandemic in 2020.
Final Take
Well, the third conspiracy theory seems somewhat relatable. America is seen as the most powerful and equipped nation. But they have not been able to handle the case of Coronavirus as effectively as they should have.
Cases of corona and death from this pandemic are soaring to a new high every day.
And this has resulted in economic dilution and crisis in the states as well. Thus, it gives rise to the speculation that the official release of UFO videos by the Pentagon, which are already in the mainstream media is somewhat shady. It may have been released to divert everyone’s attention from the current horrendous situation in the state in both lives and economic fronts.
And about the UFOs and life beyond Earth, let Mystery remain the way it is until any official nod unfolds it as they did for the videos released. Isn’t it.
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