How to donate Wikipedia | Complete payment process
Recently, while browsing Wikipedia, you must have noticed a banner asking to donate in India. So, is it authentic?
If it is, then how to donate Wikipedia, what is the easiest way and the complete payment process – Let’s discover that in this article.
Table of Contents
What does the message say on the website
When you open the website of Wikipedia, a banner is displayed as shown in the image. It requests the readers to donate ₹ 150 ( or according to the will ) so that they could run the website smoothly.

One more banner can be seen in the footer section, which again requests the visitor to consider to donate.
Why is Wikipedia Asking for Money / Donations
There are several questions which come in everyone’s mind while seeing this banner.
1.) Is Wikipedia in a financial crisis?
2.) Why is Wikipedia Asking for Donations ? Is Wikipedia about to shut?
3.) Why is Wikipedia requesting donations in India only?
4.) How come such a huge company be in such a state where they have no other options left than to ask for Money?
5.) Is it the first time Wikipedia is Asking for Money?
6.) Should I pay Wikipedia?
7.) If I won’t pay, will Wikipedia be closed?
8.) How much Wikipedia pays its writers?
9.) Is Wikipedia asking for donations authentic?
10.) What is the easiest way to donate Wikipedia and send Money?
Let’s answer these queries in detail.

1.) Is Wikipedia in a financial crisis?
Wikipedia is one of the top 10 websites in terms of traffic. So, nowhere it is struggling financially. It is funded by big giants like Amazon for maintaining it’s robust knowledge structure.
2.) Is Wikipedia about to shut?
Again the answer is a big no. How come such a tremendous traffic generator website gets shut without even a buzz.
Wikipedia is considered as the most significant non-profitable platform for free knowledge, and there is no chance that it will get shut even in the coming years.
3.) Why is Wikipedia requesting donations in India only?
Well, it is not entirely true. They have asked for monetary help from other countries too in the past.
One of the most significant chunks of traffic on their website is from India. But since it is a non-profitable platform ( no advertisement, no promotions etc. ), it needs to drive such campaigns to secure a safe position for any adverse situation.
Even though they are well funded and have more than enough money to run the website, this is a part of the preparation for any unavoidable situation.
4.) How come such a huge company be in such a state where they have no other options left than to ask for Money?
Yes, Wikipedia is huge on the Internet, and there is no such state of the financial crisis. As stated above, the request for donations is to aid the Editors, Employees, Office, Servers etc. of Wikipedia in unavoidable situations, if any !!
5.) Is it the first time Wikipedia is Asking for Money?

No, definitely not. Wikipedia has run several campaigns for donations across many countries like America, in the past. Even the fundraising campaign has been run in India too in the past.
Since the Internet is accessible to more people now in India, it is making such a huge buzz online and on social media platforms.
6.) Should I Pay Wikipedia
It is totally up to you. Wikipedia is not in any financial crisis, and the fundraising is the step to secure the future of the company.
They are funded well currently and have enough Money to run the website in the near future. But to combat any adverse situation, they drive such fundraising campaigns.
So, if you think you want to help them in this, you may donate and if you think otherwise, you may not.
7.) If I won’t pay, will Wikipedia be closed?
Not at all. You donate or not, regardless of your actions Wikipedia is not going to shut down at least not in the current scenario where it is so huge on the Internet.
8.) How much Wikipedia pays its writers?
Wikipedia is an open platform where the information is provided by mostly random people who share their knowledge selflessly and in charity. They are not paid for anything.
Also, this is the reason that one should never think that the information provided on Wikipedia is always correct and accurate. It is a good source of information, but it’s not the best and the most legitimate source of information.
Wikipedia has many times been accused of censorship and politically inclined.
9.) Is Wikipedia asking for donations authentic and acceptable?
Well, there is nothing called acceptable or unacceptable in requesting for donations. Many organisations run such fundraising campaigns to aid their projects.
But since Wikipedia is such a giant figure on the Internet, people are unable to gulp the whole story of asking for donations.
You will be surprised to know that in its initial days, Wikipedia was not a non-profit organisation. It was very much a profit drive.
The organisation even wanted to promote brands and advertise on their platform. But since the contributors didn’t like it at all, Wikipedia was forced to term itself as a non – profitable organisation.
Due to this the web address of Wikipedia was shifted from to
So, it’s entirely on the readers to decide if they are good to donate or not.
10.) How to donate Wikipedia?

Wikipedia provides various ways to donate Money. You just need to visit their website and click on the banner where they are requesting for the donations and proceed with Card, net banking or UPI.
Easiest & Complete payment process to donate Wikipedia in India.
Please follow the below steps if you decide to donate Money to Wikipedia.
1.) Visit any page on Wikipedia.
2.) You will be able to see one banner with a statement-
“We ask you, humbly: don’t scroll away.”

3.) On the same banner, you will find an option to select the payment method.
The Payment methods include-
- Credit Cards and Debit Cards – “VISA, Maestro and RUpay” Cards.
- Netbanking
- Paytm
4.) For the fastest method, select the tab stating Netbanking, UPI, Paytm.
5.) The option gets expanded, and you get the choice to select the amount ₹150, ₹300, ₹1000, ₹3000 directly.

You also get an option to donate any amount according to your wish. But the amount should be at least ₹108, as shown below-

6.) A new window pops up where you are asked to put your Billing information like- Name, Address, Pan etc.

7.) After filling up all the details, here we choose Paytm as it will prove to be the easiest method to pay the Money.
Also, it will be the most secure among all as the amount will be debited from the Paytm wallet and you don’t need to share your card number, CVV etc.
8.) Fill your mobile number registered with Paytm and click on proceed. Ensure that there is +91 sign before your number if you are paying from India.

9.) The payment gateway will ask for the OTP sent to your registered mobile number with the Paytm. Enter your OTP and click on Verify.

10.) In the next page, you will find the information regarding the amount to be paid, transaction Id and your present available balance in the Paytm Wallet.

If you find everything to be correct, click on “Pay”.
11.) Your Payment is Complete, and you are landed to a payment confirmation page. An email will be sent to the Email Id you provided in the billing information.

- Never share your CARD NUMBER, Account, PIN, OTP or other sensitive information wth anyone.
- Always check that you are on the official website of Wikipedia before proceeding for the payment. There may be a lot of fake websites too.
- Choose your payment method wisely. You don’t need to proceed to pay when you don’t feel secured.
- Nowhere Paytm is being promoted here. You may choose any payment method of your choice. Since it was accessible while making the payment, it was used.
- Never Pay on gut feeling or in emotions. Always choose the amount according to your will and capability.
- It is a donation which means you are not bound to pay the Money. If you like, you can and if you don’t like you should not.
- Please read their policies well in advance if the amount you donate is taxable or not.
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Wikipedia is one of the largest websites on the Internet. So, they are not in danger of getting shut down or closed ( at least not in coming years ).
These fundraising campaigns have always been in question by many people to which Wikimedia ( the parent company of Wikipedia ) clarifies that these campaigns help them maintain and secure the working of this non-profitable organisation.
But still one should always be well aware of all the facts before deciding whether to donate or not. Whatever you choose, it should be your decision in the end.